Why travel with MLW?

We are not travel agents! So no more rigid itinerary, no more high cost, can be highly personalized, super detail local insight, and no more hustle through the trip ... and last but not the least,
No Commission.
So just forget about travel agents!

Tailor made travel plan

We ensure that the travel plan meets your and your fellow travellers need and is custom to make it a perfect holiday

No Commission

We donot take commission. The travel cost is on actual and with bills. We will just charge a nominal service fee. You will save from 10% to 25% against any travel agent.

Save Time & Money

We do all research for you and come up with the best travel plan for you.

Customize as much as you want

If you have any specifc need, we can customize the trip as per your need. From hotels to homestays and from public transport to self driven cars, its all possible.

upto 25%
lower cost than any travel agent!

Contact Us Now

Check out some travel plans...

Beauty of Europe is in its towns!

Switzerland, Europe

Trip to Switzerland, Europe. Option for homestay or hotel. Local travel with Train/Bus or Self drive car.

Dream destination for every beach lover

Thailand, SouthEast Asia

Beach houses to resorts. Activites and local cuisine. Its all just awesome!

The Queens Land

United Kingdom, Europe

Stay in vollages or with the scholars of the great empire. Enjoy local cuisine to great Indian food!

How does it work?

Its very simple and straigh forward. Just contact us and let us know where do you want to go! If youare unable to decide, we can help you with planning the trip.

It's Simple

Gone are the days of travel packages and being forced to travel with strangers. Get your self a well deserved holiday worth every penny!


Step 1 - Talk to Us

Let us know your travel aspirations and we will convert your dream to reality. Contact us and we will understand your requirement and then create a tailor made package for you!


Step 2 - Finalize your travel plan

We will discuss and agree on a travel plan. Bookings will be done and details will be shared with you. Charges for all bookings will be on actuals with bill.


Step 3 - Take the trip

Yes, Thats it! You will board the plane and off you are on your dream trip.
Its that simple!

Check your trip cost